

昨天与友人去看了“钱不够用2”,我有很强烈的观后感。。。就以我本身为个例子吧;有钱时可以去吃,喝,玩,乐,眉头皱也没皱过!可是对家里的贡献却有限的很,说来惭愧。。。曾经有个朋友说:"我不明白为什么有些人可以每个月花一,二千块钱在车上,却没能力照顾家中两老的起居饮食!" 我也老是埋怨母亲问我一些无关痛痒的问题或常重复一样的问题,唉。。。很庆幸的是父母还健在,还可以略尽孝心。

2 条评论:

Woonwoon 说...

I did agree with what you said. As a parents, their hope of return from their children is very tiny.They never expect their children buy a big house with servant or earn a lot of money.They just hope thier children stay healthy and happy.

Sometimes, a tiny care, talk or concern from the children will make them happy for a day.Sometimes, even bring them for a tea will also make them happy.
More money does mean we are able to make them happy. Their needs now is not money, house or how successful his children are,but is just companion and care from the children's heart.

小祺 说...

so, remember go to watch that movie and tell me your comment wo :p